Week 27 - American Samoa

So me and my companion witnessed something truly incredible this week.. this is how it started.. we walked for about an hour and a half on Saturday afternoon to our dinner appointment with the ward mission leader and we were really looking forward to it because his wife isn't baptized. so after walking like an hour and a half the ward mission leader comes out of his house and was like, "sorry its been a busy day so I don't have dinner ready" so that was disappointing but we really wanted to talk to the wife still so we went in and started talking. it turns out that the ward mission leaders son (who is married and has a family) just moved in there and he wasn't baptized so we kinda start talking with all of them at the same time. after a while the son tells us, "hey thank you elders for what you are doing for my mom, I really appreciate it but i think she needs time so I would also appreciate it if you backed off a little and gave her some time". We responded by saying we wanted to help their whole family and we shared a powerful scripture from the book of mormon and testified of eternal families. The spirit was there man let me tell you and after we shared the ward mission leader shared his powerful testimony too, and then the crazy part, the son opens up and said, "ok elders let me tell you the whole story of our family. when I was a kid our whole family was catholic. when I was a teenager I started taking the missionary lessons and when my dad found out that I was gonna get baptized he disowned me." he goes on to tell us that his dad (the current ward mission leader) was a hard headed drinker all growing up. so as time went on his dad (our current ward mission leader) was touched by the missionaries and actually got baptized! so the dad who disowned his son because he was about to get baptized in the church ended up getting baptized while his son remained unbaptized. So anyway at the end of the lesson the son basically was just telling us how grateful he is for our work and how things are just aligning for their family. he showed up the next day to church with his day and the whole bishopric went up and gave him a hug and bro it was insane. God is preparing miracles. so we are gonna meet with him this week and hopefully set a baptism with him and his family.

I am so happy to be on a mission to witness these miracles. To see that God cares about every single one of his children and is preparing the way for them. Its amazing.

I love you all. I love being a missionary!

<3 Elder Love


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